Sunday 12 October 2008

A really busy week

Last week was very busy because I took a special course called Balcan in the Screen with one of my friends from the group of PTE10%. I am really interested in History and I wanted to know much more about the Balcan.
These lectures were given on different topics between 11 am and 3 pm from Wednesday to Saturday with a few minutes breaks. On Wednesday we had 3 lectures but on the other days we had 2-2 longer lessons. We have to watch new Balcanian films and choose one of them. I have to write an essay on a Balcanian film in 10 pages and send it to the offical responsible teacher for this course until the 15th in November.

I have already chosen 'The living and the Dead', a warlike croatian film. This movie started at 7 pm on Friday in the Apollo Art Cinema.
It has a really bloodstained history because everybody dies before the end of the film. The events run on two parallel threads, one of them is in Bosnia in 1993 (the movie starts in this time) and the other is during the World War II in Bosnia too. In the end of the film these 2 threads are closely linked on the Field of the Graves which is a bit morbid I think.
I recommend this film to everybody who likes blood, cruelty, brutality or warlike films.

And last week I met my friends as often as I could. On Tuesday and on Wednesday I only slept just 3 or 4 hours because I had to meet my friends (I had promised them before). We went out on Tuesday evening. And I went back to my friends to the Szántó Youth Hostel where I lived in the last two semesters. We laughed very much and after I had gone back to the flat (I stay) I went to bed at 4 am.

So I wasn't bored not at all last week!:)

I have to go to school now because I will write a 'ZH' from Geometry.

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These flicks from the Balkan sound exciting. I go to Apollo quite a bit, too. Best movie theater in town in my book. :)